About Us

The Basingstoke Music & Arts Festival Association is a registered charity (Reg. Charity No.1037049) and is affiliated to the British & International Federation of Festivals. Queen Mary’s College, Basingstoke RG21 3HF will be hosting the entire 2025 Festival. Our website: www.basingstokemusicandarts.org.uk. Performers’ names will only be used on the Festival website and social media to celebrate their success. No other details will be shared. If you do not wish your name to be included please inform your Section Secretary.

SPONSOR OUR FESTIVAL                                           

Basingstoke Music and Arts Festival was established in 1963 and is organised annually by a small group of dedicated volunteers. Committee members and venues have changed over the years and sections have been added or deleted according to public demand. Together with loyal support from teachers and performers who enter the Festival, the ongoing success of each annual event relies on financial help offered by companies and individuals within the local community.                                                                          

Festival entries are received from a wide geographical area, including Hampshire, Berkshire, Surrey and Oxfordshire. Many entrants are attracted as a result of visits to our website: www.basingstokemusicandarts.org.uk which contains Festival information, as well as copies of the Syllabus and entry forms which can easily be viewed and downloaded. Items of topical information and news of current Festival activities can also be found on our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/Basingstokemusicandartsfestival

Our committee invites sponsors to advertise in our 2025 Festival Programme, which will include details of programmes for all sections of the festival held over each of the three weekends. We estimate that approximately 500-600 copies will be printed, offering a potentially valuable advertising window to a wide circulation of individuals and groups, including many friends, teachers and families of entrants taking part in each of our sections.   A full-page coloured advertisement would attract a fee of £120 with smaller advertisements charged pro-rata.


We currently have a vacancy for an extra members to join our committee to assist with the running of our festival. We are currently recruiting for a Strings Section Secretary and also a Bands / Choirs / Ensembles Section Secretary. If you have an interest in either role or feel you would like to help with any of the sections of our Festival, then we would love to hear from you!

We are always grateful for any offers of help on Festival days, either with setting up rooms and putting up notices, manning reception and certificate desks or being on hand to direct entrants and audience members to rooms at Queen Mary’s College.

For further information please contact our Chair: 

Sam Gill:  Email: bmafcharperson@gmail.com     Telephone 07765 408587